Sunday, September 24, 2017

NDNorth: Thanks For Being You

As you walk into Clara's room at New Day North, you will be immediately greeted by an excited three year old and wrapped in a big hug- and probably given a few kisses. 

This little girl takes life whimsically... 

And seriously...

She loves helping, and Samuel seems to love it too. 

 Mindy loves a big sister's company, and Clara loves to supply it.

When there are tiny things to do with one's hands, no one is more intense than Clara...

And no one more enchanted. 

When you need a good friend, Caleb has found that Clara is just the right person to go to... 

And when we need an overdose of heart-tugging and adorableness, we know where to go, too! 

Thank you, Clara, just for being the wonderful you that you are. 

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